Posts Tagged ‘politics’


AFRICOM’s Gigantic “Small Footprint”

September 9, 2013
The U.S. Military’s Pivot to Africa, 2012-2013  ©2013 TomDispatch ©Google

The U.S. Military’s Pivot to Africa, 2012-2013 ©2013 TomDispatch ©Google

Green markers: U.S. military training, advising, or tactical deployments during 2013
Yellow markers: U.S. military training, advising, or tactical deployments during 2012
Purple marker: U.S. “security cooperation”
Red markers: Army National Guard partnerships
Blue markers: U.S. bases, forward operating sites (FOSes), contingency security locations (CSLs), contingency locations (CLs), airports with fueling agreements, and various shared facilities
Green push pins: U.S. military training/advising of indigenous troops carried out in a third country during 2013
Yellow push pins: U.S. military training/advising of indigenous troops carried out in a third country during 2012

Copyright 2013 Nick Turse

Tomgram: Nick Turse, AFRICOM’s Gigantic “Small Footprint”


Here’s a question for you: Can a military tiptoe onto a continent? It seems the unlikeliest of images, and yet it’s a reasonable enough description of what the U.S. military has been doing ever since the Pentagon created an Africa Command (AFRICOM) in 2007. It’s been slipping, sneaking, creeping into Africa, deploying ever more forces in ever more ways doing ever more things at ever more facilities in ever more countries — and in a fashion so quiet, so covert, that just about no American has any idea this is going on. One day, when an already destabilizing Africa explodes into various forms of violence, the U.S. military will be in the middle of it and Americans will suddenly wonder how in the world this could have happened.

In the Cold War years, while proxy battles took place between U.S.- and Soviet-backed forces in Angola and other African lands, the U.S. military, which by then had garrisoned much of the planet, was noticeably absent from the continent. No longer. And no one who might report on it seems to be paying attention as a downsizing media evidently sees no future in anticipating America’s future wars. In fact, with the exception of Craig Whitlock of the Washington Post, it’s hard to think of any journalist who has dug into the fast-expanding American role in Africa.

Enter TomDispatch’s Nick Turse. When it comes to American military plans for that continent, he has been doing the work of the rest of the American foreign press corps on his own. For the last two years, while his bestselling book on the Vietnam War, Kill Anything That Moves, was being published, he has been carefully tracking and mapping the growing American military presence in Africa, exploring the way those moves may actually be helping to destabilize the continent, and doing his best to make sure that U.S. planning for future wars there doesn’t go unnoticed and unreported.


The Syrian War: What You’re Not Being Told

September 4, 2013

What’s really going on in Syria? Let’s look at the evidence.

Uploaded by StormCloudsGathering

*Rupert Murdoch and Lord Rothschild: The Oil Barons of Occupied Syria


UNETHICAL JOURNALISM – FOX News supports military action against the Assad government of Syria but does not inform its viewers that the network’s owner, Rupert Murdoch, is part-owner of an oil exploration company illegally exploiting the resources of Israeli-occupied Syria.
Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild are major shareholders in Genie Energy, an Israeli-run company which has been granted the rights to explore for oil and gas in the southern half of the occupied Golan Heights (from the line beneath the words “Israeli occupied” down).

Israel has granted oil exploration rights inside Syria, in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights, to Genie Energy. Rupert Murdoch and Lord Jacob Rothschild are major shareholders of Genie Energy – which also has interests in shale gas in the United States and shale oil in Israel. Dick Cheney is also on the company’s advisory board.

It is illegal under international law for Israel to grant oil exploration rights on occupied territory…

You might also want to read on this site:

*Saudi chemicals found in ‘rebel’ lab


Constitution Free Zones in The United States

August 13, 2013

Uploaded by Anthony Gucciardi

*DHS Watchdog OKs ‘Suspicionless’ Seizure of Electronic Devices Along Border


The Department of Homeland Security’s civil rights watchdog has concluded that travelers along the nation’s borders may have their electronics seized and the contents of those devices examined for any reason whatsoever — all in the name of national security.

The DHS, which secures the nation’s border, in 2009 announced that it would conduct a “Civil Liberties Impact Assessment” of its suspicionless search-and-seizure policy pertaining to electronic devices “within 120 days.” More than three years later, the DHS office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties published a two-page executive summary of its findings.

“We also conclude that imposing a requirement that officers have reasonable suspicion in order to conduct a border search of an electronic device would be operationally harmful without concomitant civil rights/civil liberties benefits,” the executive summary said.

By David Kravets


Chalking a Crime?

June 27, 2013


California man faces 13 years in jail for scribbling anti-bank messages in chalk

Jeff Olson, the 40-year-old man who is being prosecuted for scrawling anti-megabank messages on sidewalks in water-soluble chalk last year now faces a 13-year jail sentence. A judge has barred his attorney from mentioning freedom of speech during trial.

According to the San Diego Reader, which reported on Tuesday that a judge had opted to prevent Olson’s attorney from “mentioning the First Amendment, free speech, free expression, public forum, expressive conduct, or political speech during the trial,” Olson must now stand trial for on 13 counts of vandalism.

In addition to possibly spending years in jail, Olson will also be held liable for fines of up to $13,000 over the anti-big-bank slogans that were left using washable children’s chalk on a sidewalk outside of three San Diego, California branches of Bank of America, the massive conglomerate that received $45 billion in interest-free loans from the US government in 2008-2009 in a bid to keep it solvent after bad bets went south.

*Chalk the Bank, make a statement at any branch location

(Facebook, 2011)

In solidarity with occupy wall street we plan to show some LOV3 to the Federal Reserve Bank of Phoenix in the most peace full way we know how, Children’s Chalk! This Saturday some friend and I will be heading to the FED Bank in Phoenix and chalking the sidewalk in front of the Fed cash processing center, Your welcome to join us or Chalk you own message in front of a bank in your neighborhood.

Update 3-7-2013:

Bank of America protester acquitted of vandalism

A jury deliberated for less than five hours on Monday before deciding to acquit 40-year-old Jeff Olson on the 13 counts of vandalism he was charged with after protesting Bank of America using children’s chalk, Reuters reported.


“Obama warcriminal”

June 24, 2013

Irish Patriot Calls Out Obama’s hypocrisy on Ireland and Syria

An inspiring woman! Lioness Clare Daly accuses the Irish parliament of pimping out her nation like prostitutes for Obama. She accuses Obama of absolute hypocrisy calling for peace in northern Ireland but not in Syria. The Collaborator, who answers her questions, shows an affinity to other cockroaches and collaborators around the world, such as his counter parts in Syria.

Uploaded by SyrianGirlpartisan

Enda Kenny studied at the National University of Ireland, Galway, which is a member of the Coimbra Group, a network of 40 long-established European universities.

One of their missions:

Contribute to the debate on higher education in Europe and, where appropriate, influence European policy.


Conimbricenses or Collegium Conimbricenses is the name by which Jesuits of the University of Coimbra in Coimbra, Portugal were known. The Conimbricenses were Jesuits who, from the end of 16th century took over the intellectual leadership of the Roman Catholic world from the Dominicans.


‘I spy with my little eye’

April 25, 2013


*Boston bombing: citizen video-analysts creating major problems for controlled media


You’re a reporter for a TV news outlet.

You’ve become aware of a disturbing trend. Thousands of private citizens are now analyzing video and photographs of crime scenes and posting their findings.

They’re hounds, and they can’t be stopped. They’re looking at news footage, casual video, photos, and what they’re coming up with challenges the official story lines your network pushes.

Some of the their analysis is ridiculous, but some of it isn’t.

For example, video footage of the first bomb in Boston doesn’t appear to show any shrapnel damage to the fencing near the explosion, or to the blue canopy just above the street. You, the reporter, wonder about that.

The now-famous 78-year-old runner who fell down in the street, just after the first explosion? Security personnel wearing yellow jackets were standing closer to the bomb, but they didn’t wobble or duck or waver. You, the reporter, wonder about that, too.

By Jon Rappoport

*The Boston Bombing False-Flag Conspiracy


Evidence continues to accumulate across the internet from vigilant free-thinkers and conspiracy researchers proving that the Boston marathon bombing, just like the Sandy Hook and Aurora shootings, just like 9/11 and 7/7, was a false-flag operation carried out by the government. I’ve compiled the following key bullet points, pictures and videos which completely blow open the mainstream media version of this event:

By Eric Dubay



The Secret of the Seven Sisters

April 14, 2013

Episode 1 – Desert Storms

A four-part series that reveals how a secret pact formed a cartel that controls the world’s oil.

In the first episode, we travel across the Middle East, through both time and space.
Throughout the region’s modern history, since the discovery of oil, the Seven Sisters have sought to control the balance of power.

They have supported monarchies in Iran and Saudi Arabia, opposed the creation of OPEC, profiting from the Iran-Iraq war, leading to the ultimate destruction of Saddam Hussein and Iraq.

Uploaded by watergovist

*The Secret of the Seven Sisters

Episode 2 – The Black El Dorado

At the end of the 1960s, the Seven Sisters, the major oil companies, controlled 85 percent of the world’s oil reserves. Today, they control just 10 percent.

New hunting grounds are therefore required, and the Sisters have turned their gaze towards Africa. With peak oil, wars in the Middle East, and the rise in crude prices, Africa is the oil companies’ new battleground.


The second scramble for Africa

March 22, 2013 correspondent Tyrone Drummond takes a closer look at the ongoing situation in Mali with sociologist, former Canadian Soldier, and author of the book: Globalization of Nato, Mahdi Darius Nazemroaya.

Uploaded by GlobalResearchTV


Putin: Cyprus bailout grab dangerous

March 18, 2013

Putin: Cyprus bailout deposit grab unprofessional & dangerous

The Russian leadership has lashed out at Cyprus’ plan to tax bank deposits. President Vladimir Putin called the initiative ‘unfair’, while Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev drew comparisons with illegal forfeit – READ MORE

Uploaded by RussiaToday


Fukushima Consciousness

March 15, 2013

Wide Awake News/Interview with Karen Quinn-Tostado (and later joined by Charlie McGrath) about navigating with your ‘Moral Compass’ through Fukushima, propaganda, lies, death, destruction, the medical field, hookers (yes, really) and sensory consciousness…and dealing with it on a daily basis. Things seem very messed up but there is a huge opportunity for something wonderful to happen…

Consciousness is the quality or state of being aware of an external object or something within oneself. It has been defined as: subjectivity, awareness, sentience, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood, and the executive control system of the mind.Despite the difficulty in definition, many philosophers believe that there is a broadly shared underlying intuition about what consciousness is. As Max Velmans and Susan Schneider wrote in The Blackwell Companion to Consciousness: “Anything that we are aware of at a given moment forms part of our consciousness, making conscious experience at once the most familiar and most mysterious aspect of our lives.”

One of my favorite interviews. Thank you Karen 🙂

Karen hosts Wide Awake News every Friday Night on Rense Radio.

*Fukushima: The monster under our bed.


We are up against the nightmare boogeyman monster of two generations, finally let loose like Godzilla to wreck havoc on Earth, and the best response we can manage is to still pull the covers up over our heads, hoping it just goes away. It isn’t going away, not ever, because we don’t know how to make it do that. Isn’t that the plot to every Hollywood monster movie, mankind does something just because he can…without regard for public safety, or any clear idea of what to do if it all goes horribly wrong, as it inevitably does. As it inevitably has.

So, here we are with our worst fears fully realized and both the populations and governments involved are curiously silent. The government lies to us about everything, why would we believe anything they say about Fukushima or radioactive fallout? In this case I don’t think we care about the lying, I think we prefer it that way. The nation of Japan today is a mere shadow of the powerhouse country it was just 26 months ago. Both Tepco and the government of Japan have undergone changes in leadership and key personnel, as the nightmare there continues to cascade out of control. Meanwhile the citizens of Japan have little choice but to suffer in place and fend for themselves as best they can, because their government has abandoned them, and much, much worse. We would do well to remember that when it becomes our turn to embrace the horror. Our government has already abandoned us, to think it will come running in to “save” us now is just the height of foolishness.

Posted by Chautauqua

(Thanks to @Clarity)

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