Archive for the ‘history’ Category


The world’s oldest clove tree

June 19, 2017

Afo the clove tree

Afo: The world’s oldest clove tree


Afo was once 40 metres tall and four metres round. Sadly, today, all that remains is a massive stump and some bare branches.

A few years ago, villagers hungry for firewood even attacked Afo with machetes. A brick wall now surrounds it.

If the Dutch had had their way, Afo would not have survived at all.

The Netherlands United East India Company, or Voc, was the world’s first multinational corporation

And just as corporations today seek to monopolise plant genes in the developing world, the Voc set about seizing total control of spice production.

In 1652, after displacing the Portuguese and Spanish, the Dutch introduced a policy known as extirpatie: extirpation.

All clove trees not controlled by the Voc were uprooted and burned.

Anyone caught growing, stealing or possessing clove plants without authorisation faced the death penalty.

On the Banda Islands, to the south – the world’s only source of nutmeg – the Dutch used Japanese mercenaries to slaughter almost the entire male population.

Like Opec today, the Voc also limited supply to keep prices high. Only 800-1,000 tonnes of cloves were exported per year. The rest of the harvest was burned or dumped in the sea.

Somehow, Afo managed to slip through the net. A rogue clove. A guerrilla plant waging a secret war of resistance.

Afo would eventually bring down the Dutch monopoly on cloves.

In 1770, a Frenchman, appropriately named Poivre, stole some of Afo’s seedlings.

This Monsieur Pepper took them to France, then the Seychelles Islands and, eventually, Zanzibar, which is today the world’s largest producer of cloves


‘The End Of The Lies’

January 29, 2017

Gepubliceerd op 13 jan. 2017

You must watch this! The latest anonymous message for 2017.
All people need to see this! This is how the Elite and USA are controlling the world! Vladimir Putin knows it, Donald Trump knows it, now it is time for you, the people, to know it! This is how the NWO rules the world!
Are you ready for the truth? Well here it is!
What do CIA and the US Government use to control all these countries around the world?
Did you know that every Revolution since the end of the cold war has been a coup? We expose all these false flag operations and their true purpose.
As always, we want to hear what you think about this in the comments below!
Thanks for watching!
Courtesy of wakeup channel:

Uploaded by History Repeats Itself


Opening Doors to the Invisible – Manly P Hall

December 29, 2016

Manly P Hall was recognized as a 33º Mason (the highest honor conferred by the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite) in 1973, despite never having practiced the craft.

He has been widely recognized as a leading scholar in the fields of religion, mythology, mysticism, and the occult.

Carl Jung, when writing Psychology and Alchemy, borrowed material from Hall’s private collection.

He is perhaps most famous for his work The Secret Teachings of All Ages: An Encyclopedic Outline of Masonic, Hermetic, Qabbalistic and Rosicrucian Symbolical Philosophy.

In his over 70-year career, Hall delivered approximately 8,000 lectures in the United States and abroad, authored over 150 books and essays, and wrote countless magazine articles.

Some people use the word “wise” a bit too freely – I have zero compunction however, applying the word to this man – an excellent example, if not the epitome of…

Uploaded by Still Looking

It was reported in 2010 that President Ronald Reagan adopted some ideas and phrasing from Hall’s book The Secret Destiny of America (1944), using them in speeches and essays.


Mammon: “I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds.”

September 10, 2016





WTF? Mysterious United States “Beast Bill” Currency With Trump & Clinton Showing Up All Over The World!!! Major Event Sept 14!!!


A Facebook user has taken claim to the bills providing an uploaded file as proof. He claims to be a part of a team that is circulating the bills as a warning to events that will be revealed on Sept 14th.

In response to the growing interest in the bills, Mr. Teeth has posted an update on his Facebook page in which he asserts that we should not “hate the messenger”.

Among the symbolism hidden within the bill are the signatures of George Soros and Rupert Murdoch. These two men are the reason for the fundamental changes that we have seen in America over the last few decades.




Gregory of Nyssa also asserted that Mammon was another name for Beelzebub. [17]

In the 4th century Cyprian and Jerome relate mammon to greed and greed as an evil master that enslaves, and John Chrysostom even personifies mammon as greed.[18]

During the Middle Ages, Mammon was commonly personified as the demon of wealth and greed. Thus Peter Lombard (II, dist. 6) says, “Riches are called by the name of a devil, namely Mammon, for Mammon is the name of a devil, by which name riches are called according to the Syrian tongue.” Piers Plowman also regards Mammon as a deity. Nicholas de Lyra, commenting on the passage in Luke, says: “Mammon est nomen daemonis” (Mammon is the name of a demon).

Albert Barnes in his Notes on the New Testament states that Mammon was a Syriac word for an idol worshipped as the god of riches, similar to Plutus among the Greeks, but he cited no authority for the statement.[19]

*September 14


2001 – Historic National Prayer Service held at Washington National Cathedral for victims of the September 11 attacks. A similar service is held in Canada on Parliament Hill, the largest vigil ever held in the nation’s capital.





August 15, 2016


This is a quick look at the story and symbolism of Lilith. Is she the true representation of evil and impure forces in the earth realm? Is she the siren, the succubus, the seductress? Is she what causes men and women to defile themselves, so that they may live again on earth? We aren’t sure… But it’s an interesting question.

Uploaded by  Three Minutes of Truth


Lilith: Ancient Demon, Dark Deity or Sex Goddess?


The wife of the biblical Adam

Lilith appears in the Bible, in the Book of Isaiah 34:14, which describes the desolation of Eden. From the beginning, she is considered as a devilish spirit, unclean, and dangerous. The Genesis Rabbah describes her as the first wife of Adam. According to the book, God created her and Adam at the same time. Lilith was very strong, independent, and wanted to be equal with Adam. She did not accept being less important than him and refused to lie beneath Adam for copulation. The marriage did not work and they never found happiness. As Robert Graves and Raphael Patai wrote in the book The Hebrew Myths:

”Adam complained to God: ‘I have been deserted by my helpmeet’ God at once sent the angels Senoy, Sansenoy and Semangelof to fetch Lilith back. They found her beside the Red Sea, a region abounding in lascivious demons, to whom she bore lilim at the rate of more than one hundred a day. ‘Return to Adam without delay,’ the angels said, `or we will drown you!’ Lilith asked: `How can I return to Adam and live like an honest housewife, after my stay beside the Red Sea?? ‘It will be death to refuse!’ they answered. `How can I die,’ Lilith asked again, `when God has ordered me to take charge of all newborn children: boys up to the eighth day of life, that of circumcision; girls up to the twentieth day. None the less, if ever I see your three names or likenesses displayed in an amulet above a newborn child, I promise to spare it.’ To this they agreed; but God punished Lilith by making one hundred of her demon children perish daily; and if she could not destroy a human infant, because of the angelic amulet, she would spitefully turn against her own.”


Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967]

August 5, 2016


Vinyl rip from my personal collection. Best audio on the net.

This 3x LP record set documents the activities of a secret society known as The Illuminati, and their New World Order.

Mr. Fagan describes with documentary evidence how the ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a “One World Government”.

Mr. Fagan relentlessly uncovered plots for major historical events. Myron Fagan is considered to be the archetype for the PCT (Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist)

This Recording is one of the most interesting and yet horrifying, factual stories of some of the most sensational plots in the history of the world.

The findings by Mr. Fagan were split into 6 parts, between these 3 records and are presented to you here, in full.

Each record has some descriptive notes on the back of each jacket such as…

*Eliminate the Illuminati…see that this message is heard!!!

* Play this for the unaware, uninformed and well meaning people who desire to hear the truth. Don’t waste your time on the hard core socialists who have already repudiated principle.

* Buy Air-time with your club or organization! Get free time! No station is too small!

* Use at coffees – Luncheons – meetings – everywhere and often. We must succeed – Our children’s liberty is at stake – Freedom has no substitute – America no equal!

Uploaded by The Crypt

#Myron Coureval Fagan


In 1945, Fagan claimed he saw secret documents of the meetings in Yalta, shown to him by author John T. Flynn, that led him to write the plays Red Rainbow, and Thieves Paradise. Written in 1945, Red Rainbow portrays Roosevelt, Stalin and others in Yalta plotting to deliver the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Berlin to Stalin. Left-wing groups in the New York opposed the production of the play and Fagan had difficulties getting financial backing to produce it.
Between 1967 and 1968 Fagan recorded The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations, three LP records documenting the activities of the house of Rothschild known as “The Illuminati[10] which were produced by Anthony J. Hilder.[11]



July 1, 2016



Mother Goddess as Kali – The Feminine Force in Indian Art


The image of a recumbent Shiva lying under the feet of Kali represents Shiva as the passive potential of creation and Kali as his Shakti. The generic term Shakti denotes the Universal feminine creative principle and the energizing force behind all male divinity including Shiva. Shakti is known by the general name Devi, from the root ‘div’, meaning to shine. She is the Shining One, who is given different names in different places and in different appearances, as the symbol of the life-giving powers of the Universe. It is she that powers him. This Shakti is expressed as the i in Shiva’s name. Without this i, Shiva becomes Shva, which in Sanskrit means a corpse. Thus suggesting that without his Shakti, Shiva is powerless or inert.

Kali is a particularly appropriate image for conveying the idea of the world as the play of the gods. The spontaneous, effortless, dizzying creativity of the divine reflex is conveyed in her wild appearance. Insofar as kali is identified with the phenomenal world, she presents a picture of that world that underlies its ephemeral and unpredictable nature. In her mad dancing, disheveled hair, and eerie howl there is made present the hint of a world reeling, careening out of control. The world is created and destroyed in Kali’s wild dancing, and the truth of redemption lies in man’s awareness that he is invited to take part in that dance, to yield to the frenzied beat of the Mother’s dance of life and death.

’Send My Love (To Your New Lover)’ is taken from the new album, 25, out now.



Uploaded by AdeleVEVO



The Sheikh Mansour Ukraine Insurgent Army

November 22, 2015


L’Empire du Chaos s’installe en Europe: l’ État islamique en Ukraine


Kiev et les djihadistes: une sombre alliance

Alors que nous combattons l’État islamique, l’EI, alias ISIS, en Irak et en Syrie, et que les responsables américains soulignent le prétendu danger d’une attaque sur le territoire américain, Washington et le Califat se battent du même côté en Ukraine. Dans une remarquable série d’articles dans l’Intercept, Marcin Mamon s’est penché sur un aspect du conflit en Ukraine auquel personne d’autre n’a fait attention: le rôle joué par le Bataillon Doudaïev, «une force de combat des islamistes radicaux composée de Tchétchènes, mais incluant également des combattants de tout le Caucase ainsi que quelques Ukrainiens».

Les clés des organisations clandestines islamistes en Ukraine ont été remises à Mamon par un contact à Istanbul,Khalid, qui commande la branche ISIS locale. «Nos frères sont là», a-t-il dit à Mamon, et le journaliste s’est rendu en Ukraine où il a été mis en rapport avec un contact nommé Ruslan, qui l’a conduit au camp clandestin de Munayev.

Portant le nom du premier président de la Tchétchénie séparatiste, Djokhar Doudaïev, le bataillon Doudaïev était commandé par Isa Munayev, récemment tué dans l’est de l’Ukraine. Imprégnés d’une haine fanatique des Russes, qui soutiennent les rebelles de l’Est, les hommes de Munayev estiment également qu’ils paient une dette, puisque les bataillons du Secteur Droit ultra-nationaliste qui aujourd’hui luttent pour Kiev ont apparemment aidé les Tchétchènes dans le passé. Le Secteur Droit est un groupe paramilitaire ouvertement néo-fasciste qui a fourni une grande partie des forces qui ont rendu possible le coup d’État contre Viktor Ianoukovitch, l’ancien président ukrainien. Organisés en différents bataillons, dont la célèbre Brigade Azov, ils idolâtrent les collaborateurs nazis de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, qui ont combattu les troupes soviétiques: les ultra-nationalistes ont été accusés d’avoir commis desatrocités dans le Donbass, ainsi que de terroriser leurs adversaires politiques sur le front intérieur. D’après Mamon, ils ont également été impliqués dans la lutte contre les Russes dans la lointaine Tchétchénie, où l’ancien gros bonnet du Secteur Droit Oleksandr Muzychko a combattu aux côtés de Munayev et des frères contre les Russes.

*The Sheikh Mansour Volunteer Battalion – Ukraine Insurgent Army (video)


The beginning of the Caucasian (Russian-Caucasian) War is dated in different ways, mainly within the first quarter of the 19th century, though according to our consideration the warfare broke out in the 80s of the 18th century, when uncoordinated resistance to the tsarism exceeded the bounds of separate regions (the Kuban Region, Kabarda, Chechnya, Daghestan) and turned into an all-North Caucasian movement advancing the precise religious-political slogans.
So, in spring of 1785 a Moslem preacher, Sheikh Mansour, or Ushurma, appeared in Chechnya, who, striving for unification of the highlanders to fight against the tsarist colonialists, called upon them for “hazavat”, i.e., “sacred war” against the “unfaithful” enemy. Thus through Islam taken as an ideological basis, politically separated Caucasians of different tribes partially consolidated in the struggle against the colonial power.
In the Northern Caucasus (in Daghestan) Islam began to spread yet in times of the Arab Caliphate, though for the majority of the native peoples it was established as the official religion considerably later.
Thus the Vainakhs inhabiting in the plain and foothill zones of the
Caucasus apparently came into contact with this teaching not earlier than in the 15th – 16th centuries; as to the inhabitants of the mountainous part of Chechnya and Ingushetia, the influence of Mohammedanism on the highlanders was rather weak even in the 17th – 18th centuries. As is generally known, in the 18th to the early 19th century the Ingush elders swore not to the Koran but to their pagan gods despite the fact that Islam had already existed among a certain part of the Ingushes.



Repost: Knights Templar and Friday the 13th

November 14, 2015

Silver gros tournois, struck 1280-1290 AD

(Picture via Coins of Knights Templar France)

  • The Banking Backstory Behind Friday The 13th
  • (excerpt)

    The unlucky Friday the 13th is one of the most well-recognized superstitions in the Western world. This tradition is over 700 years old and has a very interesting origin.

    During the 12th century there was a massive religious war that consumed most of Europe and Asia. Europeans referred to these times as “the crusades”. This war lasted centuries and allowed an elite class of knights to accumulate so much power and wealth that their influence rivaled both the monarchy and the church. The knights of the temple of Solomon, or more commonly known as “The Knights Templar” were the most influential political force of their time. They were the world’s first international bankers and were the corporate giant of the middle ages.

    The Templar Knights were a military force throughout the entire crusades, but didn’t become a strong political organization until they were given diplomatic immunity by the church in 1126. Their close relationship with the church was unusual for the time, as the lifestyle of a knight was usually associated more with the monarchy. The Knights Templar represented both the warrior and the priest, and were often referred to as the “fighting monks”. This best-of-both-worlds diplomacy allowed the knights to form their own political dynasty that transcended the established powers of the time. They did not have to abide by the same rules as the church or the monarchy, but they had the advantage and privileges of both institutions.

    During the crusades it was rumored that the Templars studied alchemy and discovered forbidden knowledge on their journeys. This would not be the first time that this has happened in history, it is actually quite common for conquerors to return home with ancient artifacts, just like Napoleon did with the Rosetta Stone, for example. Some say that instead of offering their discoveries to museums, the Templars kept the artifacts and knowledge within their own order. This is all speculation and legend, but what we do know for certain is that the Templars were sneaky businessmen and became the world’s first multinational bankers.

    They had most of the known world caught in a complex pyramid scheme that is eerily similar to the scams that are being run by international bankers today. They collected taxes for protecting trade roads, bankrolled both sides of all the wars and exploited the massive peasant class and used them as workhorses to build their fortunes. Through these shady practices the knights ended up having more money than the monarchy and the church combined. Both the church and the monarchy were deeply in debt to the Templars from loans they had taken out, so one would be able to argue quite easily that the Templars were the most dominant political institution of the time.

    Eventually the monarchy grew very threatened by the immense power of the Knights Templar. The person to finally take action against the Templars was King Phillip the 4th of France. Since the Templars were under the protection of the church, King Phillip needed papal permission to overthrow them. In order to get this blessing Phillip covertly murdered two popes in less than a year until a candidate of his choice was in power. With all the necessary steps taken King Phillip made his move.

    On the morning of Friday, April 13, 1307 there was a surprise raid on all of the Templar offices. The knights were being arrested on over a hundred different counts of heresy and treason . . . and confessed after being brutally tortured. After a short, rigged trial the Templars were sentenced to burn at the stake. The Grand Master of the Knights Templar cursed the king and pope before he was executed, and, synchronistically, both died within the year.

    It is said that a fleet of Templar warships managed to escape France the night before the raids, and continued to control world events from behind the scenes. They apparently did this by changing their names and moving to various different parts of the known world. In fact, it is said by many that the Templars who managed to escape the Inquisition fled to Switzerland where they reestablished their international banking cartel.

    *Norway killer: who were the Knights Templar?



    Rumours of surviving Templar have abounded, often accompanied by claims that the knights were holding a secret that could destory the Catholic church if it were ever revealed.

    Today, the Templar are a potent symbol for far-right extremists of a pure and holy group of warriors who were betrayed by the corrupt order they fought to defend.

    You might also want to read and watch on this site:

    *The Black Madonna

    *From Templars to Freemasonry

    *‘Operation Gladio never ended’


    The Alliance of Obama, Erdogan, the Muslim Brotherhood & ISIS

    July 26, 2015


    The Alliance of Obama, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, the Muslim Brotherhood & ISIS


    The Guardian reported Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan invited the expelled Muslim Brothers to reside in Ankara, a detail corroborated by International Business Times, The Daily Beast, and Egypt’s Al Arabiya. The seven key figures were reported to be Wadi Ghaneim, Gamal Abdul Satar, Issam Teleima, Asharaf Bader Eddin, Mahmoud Hussein and Hamza Zawba.

    World Net Daily reported of Erdogan’s deep collaboration with ISIS through logistics, intelligence and satellite imagery. Egyptian intelligence, according to WND, reported “Turkish intelligence is passing to ISIS satellite imagery and other data, with particular emphasis on exposing to ISIS jihadists the positions of Kurdish fighters and the storage locations of their weapons and munitions.”

    The official also confirmed reports Turkey released ISIS terrorists from jail “in a sweeping deal with the jihadist organization that saw the release of 49 hostages from the Turkish embassy in Mosul who were being held by ISIS.” While some reports claim Turkey may have released at least 180 ISIS terrorists in the deal, the Egyptian official said the number of ISIS terrorists released was closer to 700.

    Vice President Joe Biden attacked Erdogan’s actions, citing “… ISIS had been inadvertently strengthened by actions taken by Turkey… who were supporting the insurgency against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad… [that] Turkey… were supplying weapons to al-Qaida and its offshoots in Syria, including the al-Nusra front.” Biden also claimed “They poured hundreds of millions of dollars and thousands of tons of weapons into anyone who would fight against Assad… except that the people who were being supplied were al-Nusra and al-Qaida and the extremist elements of jihadis coming from other parts of the world….”

    Erdogan angrily denied the charges, demanding later Biden apologize. On October 15, World Net Daily revealed Erdogan allegedly granted ISIS diplomatic recognition. Among the delegation reportedly greeting ISIS’s diplomats was the spiritual father for the Muslim Brotherhood, Sheikh Yusef al-Qaradawi.

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