Archive for the ‘rebellion’ Category


The Year of the Dog

January 1, 2018

Have a nice one!!



‘The End Of The Lies’

January 29, 2017

Gepubliceerd op 13 jan. 2017

You must watch this! The latest anonymous message for 2017.
All people need to see this! This is how the Elite and USA are controlling the world! Vladimir Putin knows it, Donald Trump knows it, now it is time for you, the people, to know it! This is how the NWO rules the world!
Are you ready for the truth? Well here it is!
What do CIA and the US Government use to control all these countries around the world?
Did you know that every Revolution since the end of the cold war has been a coup? We expose all these false flag operations and their true purpose.
As always, we want to hear what you think about this in the comments below!
Thanks for watching!
Courtesy of wakeup channel:

Uploaded by History Repeats Itself


This is it

November 11, 2016


Uploaded by  emimusic



The Clash – White Riot

September 27, 2016

Music video by The Clash performing White Riot. (C) 1977 Sony Music Entertainment UK Limited

Uploaded by theclashVEVO

*White Riot

How racism and immigration gave us Trump, Brexit, and a whole new kind of politics

Donald Trump is not an accident.

It’s tempting to see Trump’s rise as something sui generis: something so bizarre, so linked to his own celebrity, that it could never be repeated. Yet it is being repeated: Throughout the Western world, far-right populists are rising in the polls.

In Hungary, the increasingly authoritarian prime minister, Viktor Orban, has started building a wall to keep out immigrants and holding migrants in detention camps where guards have been filmed flinging food at them as if they were zoo animals. In Italy, the anti-immigrant Northern League, led by a politician who has attacked the pope for calling for dialogue with Muslims, is polling at more than three times its 2013 level, making it the country’s third most popular party. And in Finland, the Finns Party — which wants to dramatically slash immigration numbers and keep out many non-Europeans — is part of the government. Its leader, Timo Soini, is the country’s foreign minister.

These politicians share Trump’s populist contempt for the traditional political elite. They share his authoritarian views on crime and justice. But most importantly, they share his xenophobia: They despise immigrants, vowing to close the borders to refugees and economic migrants alike, and are open in their belief that Muslims are inherently dangerous.

These parties’ values are too similar, and their victories coming too quickly, for their success to be coincidental. Their platforms, a right-wing radicalism somewhere between traditional conservatism and the naked racism of the Nazis and Ku Klux Klan, have attracted widespread support in countries with wildly different cultures and histories.

The conventional wisdom is that the economic losses suffered by working-class people throughout the developed world explain the rise of this new right. Hundreds of thousands of jobs are estimated to have been lost due to free trade pacts in recent decades, with industries like manufacturing absorbing much of the pain.

That’s created an ocean of angry and frustrated people — primarily blue-collar and primarily white — who are susceptible to the appeal of a nationalist leader promising to bring back what they feel has been taken away.


Donald Trump is a manifestation of this backlash, as are Brexit and the surge of support for far-right European parties. They show the extent of white Christian anger — the privileged who are furious that their privileges are being stripped away by those they view as outside interlopers.

It is that fury over immigrants that offers the best explanation we have for why the forces of intolerance are currently on the rise in the West. If we want to understand the world we live in today — and the one we’ll be inhabiting for years to come — we need to understand how immigration and intolerance are transforming the way white Christians vote. We need to understand that the battle between racist nationalism and liberal cosmopolitanism will be one of the defining ideological struggles of the 21st century. And we need to understand that Donald Trump is not an accident. He’s a harbinger.


Music video by Public Image Limited performing Rise. (C) 2013 Virgin Records Ltd

Uploaded by  PublicImageLimitVEVO

Uploaded by  anarchyrider


Myron Fagan exposes the Illuminati/CFR [1967]

August 5, 2016


Vinyl rip from my personal collection. Best audio on the net.

This 3x LP record set documents the activities of a secret society known as The Illuminati, and their New World Order.

Mr. Fagan describes with documentary evidence how the ILLUMINATI became the instrument of the House of Rothschild to achieve a “One World Government”.

Mr. Fagan relentlessly uncovered plots for major historical events. Myron Fagan is considered to be the archetype for the PCT (Paranoid Conspiracy Theorist)

This Recording is one of the most interesting and yet horrifying, factual stories of some of the most sensational plots in the history of the world.

The findings by Mr. Fagan were split into 6 parts, between these 3 records and are presented to you here, in full.

Each record has some descriptive notes on the back of each jacket such as…

*Eliminate the Illuminati…see that this message is heard!!!

* Play this for the unaware, uninformed and well meaning people who desire to hear the truth. Don’t waste your time on the hard core socialists who have already repudiated principle.

* Buy Air-time with your club or organization! Get free time! No station is too small!

* Use at coffees – Luncheons – meetings – everywhere and often. We must succeed – Our children’s liberty is at stake – Freedom has no substitute – America no equal!

Uploaded by The Crypt

#Myron Coureval Fagan


In 1945, Fagan claimed he saw secret documents of the meetings in Yalta, shown to him by author John T. Flynn, that led him to write the plays Red Rainbow, and Thieves Paradise. Written in 1945, Red Rainbow portrays Roosevelt, Stalin and others in Yalta plotting to deliver the Balkans, Eastern Europe and Berlin to Stalin. Left-wing groups in the New York opposed the production of the play and Fagan had difficulties getting financial backing to produce it.
Between 1967 and 1968 Fagan recorded The Illuminati and the Council on Foreign Relations, three LP records documenting the activities of the house of Rothschild known as “The Illuminati[10] which were produced by Anthony J. Hilder.[11]


Robert Palmer – Mercy Mercy Me

July 30, 2016

Uploaded by  reprax

Oh, oh mercy, mercy me
Oh, things ain’t what they used to be
No, no
Where did all the blue skies go?
Poison is the wind
That blows from the north, west, south and east
Oh, oh mercy, mercy me
Oh, things ain’t what they used to be
No, no
Oil wasted on the oceans and our seas
Fish full of mercury
Oh, oh mercy, mercy me
Oh, things ain’t what they used to be
No, no
Radiation underground and in the sky
Animals and birds who live nearby are dying
Oh, oh mercy, mercy me
Oh, things ain’t what they used to be
No, no
What about this over-crowded land
How much more abuse from man can she stand?


Comment from Jerry Sullivan :

This protest song from Marvin brought Motown into the fray of the day… war, ecology, human rights… and he did it against the wishes of the Motown bosses. A brave move and done with such class!! Miss you Marvin and all the others who lost out to drugs and booze and the pressures of success. RIP BROTHER!!




July 22, 2016

Beatrix Gul

Turkey coup: What does the state of emergency mean for democracy?


Instead of passing laws through the usually long parliamentary process, the Cabinet can create a draft decree, and with the President’s approval, it will go to Parliament for a simple yes or no vote, to be made within 30 days.

turkey-detainees-number-2-exlarge-169Men detained in the wake of the failed coup in Turkey.



“The assassin is still on the run”

January 10, 2016


Symbolic Pics of the Month 01/16


For the one year anniversary of the Charlie Hebdo attacks, the magazine launched a special edition with a rather symbolic cover. It depicts God as a terrorist yielding a rifle and wearing a bloody robe under the title “1 an après, l’assassin court toujours” which means “1 year later, the assassin is still on the run”. Above God is the symbol of the All Seeing Eye inside a triangle, which is a symbol used by some Churches to represent divinity. As you might know, it is also the favorite symbol of the occult elite and is derived from the ancient Egyptian symbol of the Eye of Horus. Knowing this fact, the cover basically says “The REAL assassins are still free: the occult elite” while literally placing them above God – who is perceived as an imperfect demi-urge in occult philosophy.

*Vatican paper blasts Charlie Hebdo cover as ‘insulting’ to all faiths



The ”Cataclysmic Conflict” Yet to Come – And What We Can Do To Stop It

March 7, 2015


Image: US Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham pose with senior Al Qaeda leader Abdulhakim Belhaj, after NATO delivered the nation of Libya to him and his terrorist organization in 2011. Belhaj is now reportedly operating under the banner of ISIS.

The ”Cataclysmic Conflict” Yet to Come – And What We Can Do To Stop It


Corporate-financier interests driving US foreign policy have long ago conspired to use Al Qaeda and other sectarian extremist forces to create a Pan-Arabian mercenary force with which to fight their enemies. Warned about in 2007 in a prophetic 9-page report by veteran journalist, two-time Pulitzer Prize-winner Seymour Hersh, then exposed through documented evidence over the course of the past four years, and now incontrovertibly unfolding before the world’s eyes, this criminal conspiracy against world peace and all of humanity can be seen in its full, horrific form.

The war special interests in the United States along with its co-conspirators plan to wage across the planet encompasses not only the Middle East and North Africa, but also Russia, China, and beyond. It threatens the lives, peace, and prosperity of all on Earth. If it is not exposed, and the special interests driving it not undermined, uprooted, and purged from humanity, none will escape the dark days that inevitably lie ahead.

The Unheeded Warning

It was in 2007, in the New Yorker, that veteran journalist Seymour Hersh published his lengthy, prophetic report, “The Redirection Is the Administration’s new policy benefiting our enemies in the war on terrorism?” Within it, Washington, Riyadh, and Tel Aviv were exposed amidst a criminal conspiracy to use sectarian extremists in a proxy war against Iran and its allies in Syria and Lebanon. The impending conflict was described as “cataclysmic.”

In essence then, the United States and its NATO partners knowingly and willfully handed the nation of Libya and its people over to Al Qaeda. Despite Belhaj’s documented terrorist past and present, US politicians would meet with him, showering upon him accolades, praise, and continued political and military support. Among these politicians were US Senators John McCain and Lindsey Graham who met and literally shook Belhaj’s hand while standing upon the ruins of Libya.

That McCain and Graham are both Republicans supporting terrorism, alongside a Democrat US President also allegedly supporting terrorism, illustrates perfectly that special interests own and control both sides of the political aisle, using opposing rhetoric to appeal members on either side, while both sides carry forward the exact same agenda.

More recently, US news sources claimed Belhaj was now leading Libya’s branch of ISIS. The Washington Times would report in an article titled, “U.S. backed rebel reportedly leads Islamic State in Libya,” that:

Major news out of Libya as Abdelhakim Belhadj, the former head of the al Qaeda-linked Libyan Islamic Fighting Group, and a major player in the U.S.-backed overthrow of Moammar Gadhafi, has reportedly joined the Islamic State and is leading its forces there. This according to The Blaze National Security journalist Sara Carter on Twitter, and Fox News’ Catherine Herridge in a Fox News report.

Either as part of a strategy to destabilize and destroy Egypt, or to excise from Cairo geopolitical concessions including the abandonment of Syria as well as Egypt’s backing amid increasing hostilities toward Iran, the West’s use of ISIS in Libya is yet another manifestation of what veteran journalist Seymour Hersh warned about in his 2007 report.

ISIS will form the foundation of a regional mercenary force aimed conveniently at the hearts of each and every one of Wall Street and Washington’s enemies, while suspiciously, ISIS spares all of the West’s allies.

The ongoing violence in Libya and Syria is only the beginning. Should Egypt and Iran be mired in the same widespread violence, fueled by billions upon billions in cash, equipment, and weapons flowing from all corners of the Earth into the region, the “cataclysmic conflict” warned about in 2007 will finally come to pass.

Uprooting the Conspirators

This is not “Obama’s” war. Nor is this a “Republican” or “Neo-Con” war. This is a war for global hegemony waged by the corporations, banks, and institutions upon Wall Street and in Washington that transcend elections and own parties on all sides and in all corners of the current, prevailing political paradigm. Appealing to a political party controlled by these interests is the very definition of futile.

While the conflicts ravaging the Middle East and North Africa seem “remote,” the fact that similar chaos is now being sown by NATO on the doorstep of Europe in Ukraine, means that if left unchallenged, it is only a matter of time before these conflicts affect everyone directly, no matter where one lives. Rather than organizing protests or taking up arms in an impossible, fictional future battle against tyranny, decentralizing massive monopolies globally, and building up our communities locally is something we can begin doing today – with something as simple as planting a garden to first reduce our dependency on big-agriculture. In the near future, these activities could become profitable, and before that, certainly satisfying and constructive.

We have nothing to lose by trying, and everything to lose if we don’t.

By Tony Cartalucci


Behold A Pale Horse

February 28, 2015

Read by the author: William Cooper

BAPH original and complete Audio Book. This is actually the only official version done by Bill, recorded when he got finished in Porterville with that particular presentation. This was done in San Francisco in a professional studio for clarity and quality.

Uploaded by BeholdAMessenger

Bill Cooper interview CNN Uncut original

Uploaded by pbatusa

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