

June 22, 2013

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*New Matt Damon Movie Reveals Mankind’s Transhumanist Destiny


Elysium, a new movie starring Matt Damon and Jodie Foster, depicts what many futurists have long predicted is mankind’s ultimate destiny – the division of the human race into two new class systems – a transhumanist elite that centralizes technological progress to achieve utopia, and a massive underclass left to rot on a dying planet ruled by robotic drones.

However, many of the themes of Elysium are clearly lifted from the work of futurists like Ray Kurzweil, who in his book The Age of Spiritual Machines predicted the body scanner depicted in the trailer which eliminates cancer cells.

Kurzweil’s 1999 book, which successfully foresaw the invention of the iPhone, the iPad, Google Glass, iTunes, You Tube and on demand services like Netflix as well as the Kindle, predicts that by 2029 the vast majority of humans will have augmented their bodies with cybernetic implants and those who refuse or are unable to do so will form a “human underclass” that is not productively engaged in the economy.

The wider trend of the elite seeing humans as completely expendable as their roles are taken up by machines unfolds after 2029 when, “There is almost no human employment in production, agriculture, and transportation,” writes Kurzweil.

By 2099, the entire planet is run by artificially intelligent computer systems which are smarter than the entire human race combined – similar to the Skynet system fictionalized in the Terminator franchise.

Humans who resist the pressure to alter their bodies by becoming part-cyborg will be ostracized from society.

By Paul Joseph Watson

*The Dark Side of Ray Kurzweil’s Transhumanist Utopia

Kurzweil, recently hired by Google, repeated his forecast at the Global Futures 2045 International Congress in New York this past weekend but newspaper reports concerning the issue were absent a key disclaimer which Kurzweil admits in his book – such technology will not be available to the general public and instead will be controlled by a technocratic elite who will attempt to become super beings by merging with machines.

“We’re going to become increasingly non-biological to the point where the non-biological part dominates and the biological part is not important any more,” said Kurzweil. “In fact the non-biological part – the machine part – will be so powerful it can completely model and understand the biological part. So even if that biological part went away it wouldn’t make any difference.”

“We’ll also have non-biological bodies – we can create bodies with nano technology, we can create virtual bodies and virtual reality in which the virtual reality will be as realistic as the actual reality. The virtual bodies will be as detailed and convincing as real bodies,” he added.

However, when Kurzweil says “we” he isn’t referring to you or I, he’s referring to the 1 per cent – the monied elite who will have privileged access to technology that will allow them to eliminate all forms of disease, dispense with the need for a human body and eventually achieve immortality by existing as a computer program on the world wide web.

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